Monday, March 23, 2015

Post 1

This blog has been started to track the progress of both my running and of my quilting.  For some reason, I grew up with the belief that there were very defined roles in life. And they didn’t cross. Not at all.

I can remember 20 some years ago when my two oldest kids and I totally ditched our lives and moved someplace that although we had ties, we knew no one. In the end, it turned out well although I think that the three of us truly suffered – my oldest son more so than anyone.  Anyway, I can remember sitting in a counselor’s office who we were seeing to hopefully iron out my son’s – who was about 7 at the time – quite obvious depression.  And I can remember telling this counselor that I loved to quilt and I loved to run but in my mind, runner’s didn’t quilt and quilter’s didn’t run. To me, at the time, they seemed mutually exclusive and I can’t even begin to fathom why I believed that.  I’ve always had a habit of imagining what people are like on the inside by what they seem on the outside. I guess I thought that all runner’s lived to exercise and had no desire to be part of the quilting community who, in my mind, loved all things domestic: sewing, patchwork, baking, etc.  I didn’t fit either. Well, actually I liked everything that I thought of in relation to a ‘quilter’ except I had always envisioned quilters as being kind, gentle souls.  And I was not. At the time, I didn’t think of myself as a nice person. I’m getting better though.  And I’m doing both. I’m running and while I run, I think about quilt designs.  That’s a big change for me.

And of all the problems one can have, I guess being able to integrate running and quilting is a pretty mild problem to have.